How To Start An Online Business Using A Newbie-Friendly Method. No Recruiting, No-MLM, No Forex, No Crypto. It’s Affordable To Start. Join This Billion $$$ Industry, Today!

Are You Tired and Frustrated of Looking for a Way to Make Money online? There is Hope…

Are you tired of living a mediocre life?

One where you are doing things that you have to do instead of doing things that you love to do – A life where you would love to spend more time with your family, travel to your heart’s content, or buy the best things that life has to offer.

Instead, you may be in a spot where you have to do the traditional 9-5 just to make ends meet, Maybe you love your job, or maybe the conditions are downright horrible.

Either way, you are looking for a legit way to make some serious money.

You know that you want a change.

Maybe you are AFRAID? 

Afraid of having to leave job security….afraid that you might fail...afraid that people may ridicule you. Maybe, you might be afraid that you might get yourself into more debt seeking out this change.

Guess what? It’s okay to have those feelings, you are being human, you are looking out for yourself, you are protecting yourself.

But then you come to the point where you know that you’ve had enough…

So, what do you do? 

 You come onto the online world looking for the best way to start earning.

What happens next?

You are exposed to tons of programs that make you those empty promises.

They will have you believe that they have your best interest at heart.

Yet, when you pay them you end up with a product that makes you feel even more overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated. What’s even worse is that it leaves you with a feeling, that every single online product is a scam.

And if you are lucky enough to not be exposed to these scammers, then you might have come across online websites that pay peanuts for the amount of time that you invest in them.

It feels like you’ve slogged over and over again and you’ve got nothing to show for it. It makes you think- is there really a legit way to earn real money online?

A way to build an online asset. One that can help you to earn a passive income online. One that can help you to stop trading in your precious time for money?

The answer is yes. Absolutely. 

Today I am going to introduce you to a teaching platform that has helped millions of people achieve this dream of becoming an online entrepreneur. And the best part is, you do not even need any experience to start.

Hi there. This is Roopesh

I know that your time is precious to you. So I am going to make every word count here.

I am going to talk about an online business training platform that helped me get started in 2015. They helped me get started by using a particular business model(which is a booming industry).

As we speak this teaching platform is within its 18 years of existence. They have over 2 million members! (so I am going to show you something that is worth your while)

What is this training platform called, and what do they teach you? More importantly, how can YOU BENEFIT from joining them?

That’s what I am going to talk about. How this teaching platform can make a HUGE difference in your life.

So, what is this business model and what is the teaching platform that teaches it?

ANSWER: The Teaching Platform is called WEALTHY AFFILIATE(WA)

You might have heard of it or not. Maybe a friend told you that Wealthy Affiliate is a scam. Or maybe it’s a waste of your time.

All I ask is that you let me show you 9 WAYS they can help to transform your life for the better.

If you don’t like what I am talking about, then you can close this page and go on and research other platforms that teach people how to make money online.

Have we got a deal?


What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

WA is an online business training platform that is owned by Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim. These two guys started WA 18 years ago.

Back then it was a simple keyword research service. They were helping webmasters with “high search volume, low competition,” keywords. With these keywords, content creators could get their articles ranked on Google and other search engines.

Today, Wealthy Affiliate is a fully-fledged online business suite. They cater to both newbies as well as experienced marketers.

Here is a picture of the handsome Canadian guys.

Here’s what people are saying about the course

(Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work? Take a look at how the Wealthy Affiliate training has impacted these people’s lives.)

“Your choices are limitless here and everything is included in the membership.

From keyword lists and tools, endless training, platforms to get comments or help you write content, and those to engage with the community, you have endless resources all available 24/7. I have met people around the world. I love WA and believe it is the best resource available for learning to build a website and a business!

— Jessica(Swangirl), Member Since Jan 2016

I’ve been making a full time income online since 2005 and I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2012. And because of the training, tools, resources and access to hundreds of the most successful affiliate marketers online I’ve increased my overall monthly income by $7900.

No matter if you’re a seasoned marketer or you’re just starting online, hands down there is no better community then Wealthy Affiliate that can teach how to build a full time income from your hobby or passion. 

I can honestly say if you’re desire is to become the master of your financial future then you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t see what Wealthy Affiliate can do for you.

— Leo Emery, Member Since June 2012

What Does Wealthy Affiliate Teach?

ANSWER: Affiliate Marketing

>It might sound complex

> It might sound hard to do

>It sounds like it’s only for technically-minded folks

> It sounds like it might cost thousands to start

Well, guess what? It’s none of the above!

The concept of affiliate marketing is not hard to understand. It’s also not very hard to start an online affiliate marketing business.

You definitely do not need any experience to start. (Look at me, I came from the health field as a pharmacist, and I now earn an income online). And it’s not expensive to start.

The training on offer at Wealthy Affiliate cost a quarter of my FIRST YEAR of graduate study! In fact, you can get started with Wealthy Affiliate for FREE by signing up for their starter membership.

Just to be clear: Affiliate marketing is a business model that might be EASY to understand. However, it’s not a ‘GET-RICH-QUICK’ way to make money. You still need to put in the time and effort. Just like starting any REAL business.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Let me show you how it works.

You are the affiliate marketer. You recommend a company’s product. Whenever a customer buys that product using your affiliate link, you get paid a commission(by the company or the seller).

That’s it!….that’s how affiliate marketing works!

Easy to understand, right?

You are basically the middle guy or lady bringing the buyer and seller together. For every successful transaction that takes place, you earn a commission!

Imagine a scenario where you watched a good movie. You raved about it to your family or friends. They went to the cinema to watch that exact movie based on your recommendation.

You just became an affiliate for the cinema house. Imagine how cool it would be if they were to PAY you for your recommendation.

The truth is EVERY DAY we are doing affiliate marketing. We just do not know it’s called affiliate marketing. And more importantly, we are not getting PAID for our recommendations.

It reminds me of my pharmacy job. How cool would it be if every vitamin recommendation that I make would carry a commission, how much richer would I be? Sadly, with my pharmacy job, I had to settle for a monthly salary.

Coming to the online space, you do get paid for your recommendation, every single recommendation. I am talking about every recommendation that your audience eventually buys.

And that is what Wealthy Affiliate specializes in teaching you.

Take a look at the snapshot below to see how WA teaches you online affiliate marketing.

How does affiliate marketing work

When you join WA on their free starter membership, you can access the first FIVE LESSONS FOR FREE. They will help you select the subject of your business. In other words, they will help you to choose a topic or NICHE(target audience) for your business.

You see, they will help you to build a business based on a topic that you love or are passionate about. Something that you would enjoy talking about.

You can talk about collectible toys, football snack helmets, drones, nature trails, jewelry, sports fitness equipment, etc, etc, etc

How Do You Do Online Affiliate Marketing?

In the first five lessons, you will learn how to set up your website.

Why a website?

ANSWER: You will be learning how to create content on your site using the WA training. They will teach you how to get this content ranked on Google and other search engines.

In summary,


The more quality visitors you get to your business reading your helpful content, the more money you can make!

But, Roopesh, what if I don’t want to write a blog to earn money?

That ain’t a problem…

WA has experts who will teach you other fantastic ways to earn with affiliate marketing:

You got :

Kyle— teaching you SEO with a website.

Roope Kittu — teaching you how to use YouTube.

Vitaliy —- teaching you how to use PPC or paid advertising.

Jay Neil(magistudios) —- teaching you how to do e-mail marketing

Roope Kittu— teaching you how to use TikTok

Here is the best part, every lesson, every topic is taught in an easy-to-follow fashion. Perfect for NEWBIES!!

I Am NOT Going To Talk Much About The WA Features Because..

it would take up too many paragraphs.

I can tell you that they have 2 million members. That they have an interactive online community that is ACTIVE 24 hours a day!

I can tell you that all of your premium websites are hosted on top-notched servers. They are backed up daily.

I can tell you that you get over 300 classes that you can access at your leisure. There are live webinars, expert classes, and an easy-to-use site builder.

But WA speaks for itself. I would rather have you join the Wealthy University Starter Membership, and experience these features(and much more!) for yourself!

I rather spend the time talking about something that REALLY MATTERS TO YOU. And that is how can you benefit from joining WA

How Can Your Life Change If You Join Wealthy Affiliate?

If you stick with the training, and implement what is taught by taking ACTION, then your life will change in one or more of the following ways :

(1) You Can And Will Attain Financial Freedom

You can realize the reality of finally wanting to quit that dreaded 9-5. You do not have to wake up with that sad feeling of having to answer to a boss. You do not have to settle for a wage when you know that your worth is much more. You have a business to rely on that is supporting YOU!

(2) You Will Be Building a Passive Income

Your website or YouTube channel will eventually become your ASSET. They will work for you bringing in a passive income.

(3) You Own Your Time

With a successful online business, you have the opportunity to live the ‘laptop lifestyle.’ You work on your own terms and set your own schedule.

(4) You Have Location Freedom

You can work from anywhere you want as long as there is an internet connection. You get the opportunity to travel and explore new places whilst your business is running.

(5) You Connect With A Supportive Community

You will not feel alone. You can connect with other like-minded users, and share similar goals and experiences.

(6) You Achieve Business Scalability

Once you get one site or one Youtube channel earning for you, it’s simply a matter of duplicating the process. You can scale and grow and earn HIGHER PROFITS over time. This allows you the potential for long-term success and financial stability.

(7)You Build Diversified Income Streams

With all the WA training, you will be able to create multiple income streams through different online ventures. In this way, you reduce the risk of having to rely on a single source of income, like a day job!

(9) You Ensuring Job Security

Having a successful online business can provide you with a sense of job security. You know these days traditional employment is unstable and can weather economic downturns more effectively.

(10) You Are Making A Difference and An Impact In Someone Else’s Life

At the end of the day, your business is going to help someone make a decision on whether or not they should purchase a particular product or service.

You are building a brand. You are making an influence.

You are positioning yourself as an expert within the niche. This opens doors to new opportunities for you to connect with other leaders and grow and make a positive difference in people’s lives.

The Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

Without hesitation, I can tell you that the Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a scam. That the training works!

Kyle is a clear methodical teacher

Wow, easy step by step instructions on how to get started and within a couple of days I have a website published online. I feel like raving which may turn some people off (too good to be true sort of stuff) but this course was easy. Kyle is a clear methodical teacher and I really enjoyed doing it …. even at age 50 🙂

— Matu, WA Member Since 2013

Things were easy and facilitated by style of the lessons.

This course package is awesome, thanks to Kyle and Carson, it melted away all my doubts and difficulties about being part of the big online group that enjoys the mighty pie of online business. All things were easy and facilitated by the style of the lessons delivery, I am exited and anxiously looking forward to being one of the greatest online entrepreneurs.

— Anna Wong, Volunteer

There are thousands of WA success stories.

When you sign up, you will read more of these stories.

Bottom Line: WA Works, If You Put In The Work!

Wealthy Affiliate is Not Just….

…an online business platform. It’s more than that.


>>>>>>If You want to TRAVEL THE WORLD

>>>>>>If You want to BUY YOUR DREAM HOME


building your OWN online PROFITABLE business can give you what you desire.

WA has everything you need to GET YOU THERE!

The only question is, “ARE YOU READY?”

There are three main membership plans that you can join with.

Click on the image to choose your WA memberships

Choose one, take action, and give yourself the chance.

Do not look at this 10 years down the line and ask yourself, “How different would my life be if I just tried it?”

This is my Wealthy Affiliate profile picture:

The second you join, I will be there to welcome you. I will be the first guy to CONGRATULATE YOU!

You took a step that can change your life for the better!


Your Friend
