4-Steps To Creating Everlasting Online Success! – [Newbie Friendly Way]

Do you want to learn the RIGHT WAY to start an online business? I am not talking about doing things like answering surveys or registering for get-paid-to websites. With those opportunities, you are going to make pennies for your efforts! Frankly speaking, it’s a complete waste of your precious time.

These are the four steps to creating online success

I am going to show you a method that will help you build everlasting online success! A business that is capable of giving you TIME and FINANCIAL freedom.

There is so much confusing, outdated, and misleading information going around about the affiliate marketing business model.

And today, I am going to set the record straight, give you the blueprint that WORKS, and show you a teaching platform that teaches it the right way!

Then I am going to talk about how you can get started today! (exciting stuff, right?) So let’s jump right into it, shall we?

How Affiliate Marketing Works

Affiliate marketing may sound complex. You might even think that since it has the word “marketing” in it, it is going to be very hard to do. But let me give you a very simple example of how affiliate marketing works in everyday life!

You go to the movies. You watched a really awesome show. Now you tell your friends to go watch that movie. That cinema or movie house just made a sale from your recommendation. You could say you are an affiliate of the cinema.

You brought the seller(in this case, the cinema folks), and the buyer(your friend) together!

That’s exactly what affiliate marketing is all about! You are the third party bringing the buyer and seller together. And the best part is that you get paid for your efforts! (except that in the example above, the movie guys did not pay you!)

Take a look at the diagram below to see affiliate marketing in action!

How does affiliate marketing work

Affiliate marketing is a newbie-friendly business model. You already understand the concept. And from my analogy above, you can see that it is simply talking about something that you are passionate about.

It is now all about taking it to the next level, and getting paid for it! You need the right training, the right guidance, and tools to get it all working for you.

Let’s check out some terms before we go further:

Affiliate(YOU): As an affiliate, you can join a number of affiliate programs such as eBay, and Amazon. Walmart, Target (and thousands more!). They would supply you with an affiliate link. This link allows you to promote the company’s products or services.

Affiliate Program(like AMAZON): These are the guys who are going to be paying you! Most of the time it is FREE to join affiliate programs. Basically, there is no limit to how many affiliate programs you can join and how many products you can promote. Awesome, right?

Earning Affiliate Commissions: The amount of money you earn depends on how much commission a company offers. Commission ranges from 2% to 75%. For example, it’s not uncommon to promote a $2,500 business course and earn $1,000. I did.

You Have Unlimited Potential! : It’s really about giving value and getting folks to buy through your affiliate links. The more buyers, you get, the more money you can make.

How much money can you make with affiliate marketing? $10,000? $20,000? $100,000? It all depends on how hard you work at it.

How exactly do you build an affiliate marketing business? Let me show you!

The 4-Steps to Starting a Successful Affiliate Marketing Business

You only need to follow four steps to have a successful affiliate marketing business on your hands. Along with these steps, and access to the best tools, training, and support, you will be off to the best start for this year and beyond!

Let’s check out step one!

These are the 4 steps to starting a successful online affiliate marketing business

STEP ONE: Choose an Idea, Passion, or Interest (your niche)

The first step is all about choosing your niche. Your niche is basically your target audience, or what your business is going to be about.

It can be football snack helmets, urban hiking, drones, collectible toys, etc. There are literally millions of niche ideas, and you can choose anyone that you like.

Or more specifically, any niche that you are passionate about. If you are passionate about a certain topic, you will love to write about it. Your audience will see your passion, and it will not feel like “work”

Basically, it’s going to be something that you will look forward to doing, and earning money from! Who said that you cannot do something that you love, and make good money from it at the SAME TIME?

And if you are wondering how to select a niche, do not stress. My recommended training platform called Wealthy Affiliate has tons of expert classes to guide you and help you to get started!

STEP TWO: Build a Website (your foundation)

Your next step would be to have a website. This is your piece of the internet that is going to allow you to help your audience, and build a successful business.

It’s different from having a social media account, or a YouTube channel. Those are not yours, and can at any time be shut down or banned.

A website is yours! You have more control over it. It’s your way of communicating with your audience.

People will visit your website looking for answers, or help, and you will give them solutions and recommend products or services.

How to Build a Website: These days, you do not have to be technically minded to build a website. In fact, you can get one for free at Wealthy Affiliate. They will even host the website, and provide daily back-ups, to ensure that your online asset is protected.

STEP THREE: Get Traffic (attract your audience)

The principle is the same for any business, be it online or offline, without “traffic” the business is as good as DEAD!

Step three is learning all about how to get people to visit your website. One of the best ways is via SEO or search engine optimization.

SEO is learning to get free and high-quality traffic to your website. And it’s done by learning to get your articles and content ranked on the top pages of Google and other search engines.

You can also get traffic to your website via other methods such as social media channels, Youtube and Video Blogging, and paid traffic methods.

The Best Training To Get Traffic to You Website is available on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. They will teach you SEO, through elite experts, as well as all the other methods I mentioned above.

STEP FOUR: Make Money $$$

This is where you enjoy the fruits of your hard work. You earn those well-deserved commissions. Affiliate marketing is a booming industry, and affiliates stand to earn close to $12 BILLION this year alone!

Imagine earning just a small percentage of that pie. You can choose from over 550 MILLION PRODUCTS to promote. There are tons of affiliate programs that you can join.

Earning that small percentage is not a dream, it can be YOUR REALITY!

At Wealthy Affiliate, they have instant access to the Affiliate Program Search, which will spew out tons of affiliate programs that you can join. It saves you lots of time having to go to do manual Google searches.

So there you have it, the 4 steps to creating everlasting online success.

Are You Ready For The Next Step?

If you are brand new to the world of online business, or if you struggled before, then I can HELP YOU! I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2015!

This is my first affiliate commission back in 2016!

My first affiliate commission with affiliate marketing

and this is the first high ticket affiliate commission that I earned last year.

My first high ticket affiliate commission


The training works. If you go through their training step-by-step, it can work for you too!

Upon creating your account, you will get access to training, websites, hosting, research tools, networking, mentorship, and direct support. 

It’s also free to try, you can get a “test drive” Starter account for no cost…no credit card required.  I highly recommend if you are even the slightest bit interested in becoming an elite affiliate marketer, you get rolling right now with your account.  I will be reaching out to you within 30 minutes or so, of your joining. 

===> Click Here to Create Your Test Drive Wealthy Affiliate Account!

And if you have any questions you want to leave here for me, feel free to do so.  I will make sure I get back to you as soon as I can (usually within a few hours).

See You On The Inside!



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